Dress Your family in Corduroy and Denim (Dress Your Family In Corduroy and Denim) by David Sedaris contains autobiographical pieces that tell the story of a young American man’s struggles as he enters the LGBTQ community and tries to gain the acceptance of his family. David Sedaris’ narration is used to tell this story for young adults. David Sedaris was a successful author before he became a NPR interviewee. The collection tells his story as he reflects on the memories from childhood that have helped shape him. Sedaris tells his collection of essays from a mature point of views, which helps him reflect and better understand the harsh ways in which his parents treated Sedaris and his siblings.
Sedaris clearly loves his mother Sharon. This is first evident in “Us and Them”, an essay. Sedaris, however, is not always sympathetic to her own children. For example, in “Let it Snow”, Sedaris recounts a situation where Sharon ordered him and his brothers and sisters to leave her house and endure the cold weather. Sedaris remembers his mother drinking wine and watching television in the kitchen as he repeatedly tried to return inside. This was something that Sedaris, along with his siblings, saw frequently. Sedaris can relate to readers who are experiencing similar or identical difficulties. Sedaris, who was homosexual from a very young age, hid his sexual orientation from his family until later in life.
Sedaris is encouraged by his father Lou to attend a boys-only sleepover, in order for the boys to transform him and make him seem like a boy, unaware of Sedaris’ burgeoning homosexuality. Lou is not able to understand that David’s sexuality was revealed later on. David is kicked out after Lou shows his disapproval of Sedaris’ sexuality. Sedaris struggles with his self-confidence because of this experience. This is a real-life story that has been told in the media and on social networks, about young LGBTQ people or those who are struggling with their sexuality, but may not be supported by their families.
Sedaris, in “Chicken in the Henhouse”, recalls the time when he heard prejudiced attitudes towards homosexuals in the press. Sedaris was not surprised to hear the bold statement that homosexuals are unable to reproduce and therefore, they recruit our children in schools. People have created stereotypes for gays and lesbians, and they are not just categorized under lesbians. Stereotypical representations are used to vilify groups that are misunderstood and marginalized, just like racial or religious stereotypes. Recent media coverage has been more tolerant and has highlighted the contributions of the LGBTQ communities to our society. Ellen DeGeneres, the celebrity host of “The Ellen Show”, has been loved since 1997. Ellen DeGeneres is not only charismatic but she’s also generous with grants, scholarship, and so much else to the public. Ellen uses this platform to demonstrate that people from the LGBTQ are just like everyone else.
Sedaris’ humorous essays allow readers to relate to him in a way that is relatable. Dress Your Family in Corduroy & Denim is a humorous collection of essays that can be used to help others understand the struggles people are facing. Sedaris hopes to become a successful example by showing the challenges he encountered throughout his youth and adulthood. He wants to show that, if he can overcome these difficulties and keep going, then other young adults will be inspired to persevere and create their own success stories.